Fleet Maull, Founder of CMPS, with Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer, along with Toni Ganzel, Dean of the University of Louisville Medical School, and Ted Smith, Louisville Chief of Civic Innovation. The photo was taken at a reception in the rotunda of the Louisville City Hall following the Mindful Leadership training Maull led with Mark Allen for Mayor Fischer and 25 other city leaders.
louisvilleky.gov announces the Mindfulness Symposium:
“July 14, 2015
• Mayor Fischer’s Innovation and Delivery team, in partnership with the Department of Corrections, has organized a Mindfulness Symposium taking place this week • This is part of our work to bring a new perspective and awareness to staff and officers interacting with substance abusing individuals. • The symposium is facilitated by Fleet Maull, a leader in mindfulness-based teaching (Engaged Mindfulness Institute (EMI), a division of Prison Mindfulness Institute). • The two day seminar (Wed. and Thur.) is for front-line staff in Departments of Corrections, Louisville Metro Police Department, Youth Detention Services, Public Health and Community Services introducing them to tools and techniques for productively working with substance abusing individuals and to manage their own on-the-job stress. • Evidenced-based Mindfulness Based Emotional Intelligence (MBEI) training is designed to increase capacity for self-awareness, self-management (including emotion regulation), social awareness (reading behavioral cues and empathy training) and effective communication and interpersonal relations management. • On Tuesday, members of Louisville Metro Government’s leadership team and leadership from external treatment centers, such as the Healing Place, Seven Counties Services/JADAC and Volunteers of America gathered for an overview on mindfulness and a discussion on how mindfulness techniques could be effectively integrated into existing programs and organizations in Louisville.”