Dan Grupe, PhD and Michael Christopher, PhD: Using Mindfulness to Mitigate the Negative Impacts of Trauma
Mindfulness and neuroscience researchers at the University of Wisconsin Center for Health Minds research laboratory and Pacific University in Oregon respectively, Dan Grupe PhD & Michael Christoper, PhD, discuss their extensive research on mindfulness training programs for police, firefighters and other first responders in Wisconsin and Oregon.
What we know from current neuroscience research about the benefits of mindfulness training and practice for people in general and first responders in particular, and the importance of integrating mindfulness training with tactical and other types of training in the academies, as well as annual training.
How trauma negatively impacts and changes the brain and how mindfulness training can mitigate the negative impacts of trauma and support overall healthy brain functionality.
Significant improvements in quality and duration of sleep among first responders participating in the mindfulness training program.
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